Natural Eye Artistry
Photography and thoughts on wilderness wanderings
Thursday, May 22, 2014
What happened to my new blog?
It seems this blog has been unlocked (it had been inaccessible to me for a year). So I started another environmental blog - Natural Eye Environmental. Now that blog has vanished from Blogger. Here I am back at my original blog. We'll see if I can continue to add posts to it. Please make note that the primary email is incorrect. If you wish to add a comment, send it to me directly at otherwise I will never get it.
I shall be adding new posts to this blog as long as I can get in here.
Tuesday, May 28, 2013
Surry Mountain Hike
Active Beaver lodge |
I stopped to smell the shrubs, both of which are sweet.
Burning Bush |
Lilly of the Valley |
Single turtle egg found by itself and lying on the sand. |
Snowmobile bridge across the Ashuelot River. The river was a raging torrent. |
From the other side of the bridge we got right on to the trail that leads to Surry Dam. The trail follows the Ashuelot River to the dam. I estimated the point at which the rock formation would be directly above. I would look for a trail, or make my own. I found an unmarked trail that may very well have been nothing more than deer traffic. A very steep scramble with opportunities for treacherous falls, nevertheless I was determined, and so was Evvy.
Southeast view from the monuments |
I found a more legible trail, however in need of serious trail maintenance. This was a much faster trip for many reasons. Thank goodness for strong saplings to hang on to whilst sliding downslope.
Southwest view from the monuments, looking toward Carpenter and Derry Hills in Walpole. |
Tuesday, January 08, 2013
Snowshoe Hike January 7, 2013
First let me say that though I haven't posted for some time, I do not like the "new" blogger. I can't seem to format my blog as I used to. It is tedious trying to figure this out while wanting to just write a post. There seems to be much more "white space" now. I almost think it would be better for me to cut and paste my blog from a word document.
At any rate, yesterday Evvy and I had occasion to snowshoe in the Derryhill area. The sun was bright and not a cloud in the sky. The first thing I noticed on my way to my favorite trail was that the Derry Hill Rd. has been widened, and graded for access to a timber operation further up. I certainly hope that what follows is not a development. I know much of the land was for sale.
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Evvy |
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Deer bed 1 |
We came across a few small deer yards, which I assume are the same three deer. I was delighted to find this evidence as I had thought the deer population had not survived the latest hunting season. In my opinion, Derry Hill is over hunted.
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Deer bed 2 |
I also found that one other person has snowshoe'd the area. I bushwhacked across an old beaver pond, Evvy raced around full-tilt without crashing. How she does this, I'll never know.
We made our way through the woods back to the worn trail. We'd gone one mile which was all we had time for as I had to get ready for work. On the weekends though I have enjoyed much longer hikes alone, and with friends. So far this winter, we have been blessed with snow, however this week is much warmer than last and I fear much of the snow will be lost by week's end.
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Fisher track |
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Deer Bed 3 |
Monday, June 11, 2012
Up to Stevens Cabin
I hiked up to Stevens cabin with Evvy this afternoon. I was curious to see how the old cabin fared in the recent storm. There were sections of trail up to the cabin that had been completely washed of sticks, and pine needles. But there was no serious erosion anywhere. Long extinct beaver ponds were swollen, and bullfrogs hollered the familiar “gar-rump”. The cabin itself was just as solid as could be. No damage whatsoever. I took the liberty of sweeping inside the cabin. I thought John Stevens might have appreciated it, though he’s been gone for years now. Evvy was quite certain she had found some mice under the bunk bed. The mice or chipmunks were safely holed up within the enclosed bed frame..
I continued to look for evidence of white tail deer Odocoileus virginianus, because I feel strongly the population in the immediate area has declined steadily the last ten years. I found one set of deer tracks but that was it.
I found a pile of leaf litter, and pine needles heaped up, and concluded a Bobcat had been by. Nearby scat confirmed this. Perhaps the area is a Bobcat litter box, where he returns to. I will plan to set up a camera there in hopes of catching the hard evidence. I have one camera set up near the edge of a recently created hay field. Last year, I watched as hunter after hunter lay in wait there. Several deer were taken in that field alone.
Wednesday, June 06, 2012
After the storm
Fay Falls lower pool |
I observed copious downed "green" branches. Several live trees like this Quaking aspen Populus tremeloides. Notice the blackened leaves believed to be black leaf fungus.
Unidentified vine with light blue flower clusters |
Saturday, April 07, 2012
Taking the "Otter" Road
I had originally taken the Joslin Rd., only to find it closed due to bridge construction. I am so thankful, that this detour brought me to the next road, and the opportunity to see the Otter.
Sunday, October 30, 2011
15” at my house, my big snowblower can barely move the heavy wet snow. So I’ll wait awhile and try again. No matter, I’m not going anywhere. If I do, it’ll be on my snowshoes. Evvy has already been out loving every minute of playing in the snow. Thankfully, I had power all night long. Good thing because my generator just will not work. Something dreadfully wrong in the carbuerator.
So here is the “snowfish” late last night.
This morning, the snow fish looks more like a manatee, can you see it?
Here is Merle all hunkered down in my jacket. At 17 yrs. young, Merle is quite spry, and holds her own against the other two cats. In fact, they pretty much leave her alone. Casey the cat to the right, can often be seen licking Merle’s head.
As soon as I’m adequately caffeinated, I’m going to grab the snowshoes for a romp in the woods. I’ll check the game camera, but I’m certain the deer are holed up somewhere waiting to the snow to melt alittle more. What a crazy weather event, but beautiful nevertheless.