Friday, November 16, 2007

Winter Is Upon Us

This just in! I just got this photo from my Mt Monadnock connection, Jim Bacon. He lives just above the foot of Mt Monadnock, more like the ankle. Anyway, snow fell there from daybreak until 10:00 or so. I had some brief spits of snow in Walpole. I am betting on a white Thanksgiving, and absolutely a white Christmas.

Monday, November 12, 2007

Just more photos of "Tobacco Rd." to the Pinnacle

Trust me, when I saw these places I did NOT get out of the truck! I could just imagine all the booby traps. I think these folks don't like tourists come through their neighborhood to hike. The good news is, there is another trailhead south of here!
In case you can't read the sign, it says, "Vermont Chernobyl Evacuation Zone". These signs were all over the place.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Scary Road to a Nice Trail

Today I bought a book on Vermont trails. So I decided to "take a hike" in nearby Westminster West. It took me nearly an hour to find the road I needed to take to reach another road/trail to the trailhead. The journey took me along a dirt road, and then to a not so great logging road, where people were living in squalor! It was like driving somewhere through a scene in the movie, "Deliverence". There were weird stenciled signs warning of Chernobyl Vermont, and Evacuation Zone. The photo with the little piece of heaven you see, was littered with everything under the sun. There was even a scarecrow dressed up in gas mask, and radiation warning signs. I got the feeling that either the person who lives in "there" was really eccentric, or there was a psychopath in there. It was creepy. I passed travel trailers, that appear to be inhabited. Mind you, I didn't see any electrical wires overhead, no telephone poles. At the end of the road, there is a more normal looking house, also with no electricity! I quickly backed out of this guys' driveway and continued down the road a little further, bearing left. Ah, finally the trailhead to "The Pinnacle". By the time I found this place, it was too late to do any decent exploring/hiking, but at least I know how to get there. I did have the benefit of a beautiful sunset. The trailhead faces west, and is mostly upland, hardwood forest with lots and lots of ledgy granite. I walked down "Paul's Ledges" trail for about twenty minutes, then walked back because I didn't want to be out there in Deliverence.....alone, the worries, I was armed as usual. I'll go back there another day, earlier.

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Cabin in the Woods

This little cabin is well into the woods on Monadnock Conservancy land. Every time I've visited, I check to see that it's still in good order. It has never been vandalized or even chewed on by porcupines. In fact, there is only a screen door between in the inside and the outside. One day I closed the inner door, figuring I was being a help. A few days later I returned to find the inner door was now held open by a small piece of firewood. The owner apparently wants the door open. Surprisingly, the cabin is no worse for the wear. Inside, there is a big wood stove, two pair of snowshoes, two bunks, a small table with hours of melted wax piled up from candles long since burned out. There is a neat trail leading away from the cabin, through a fairytale forest of older White Pines. The landscape changes to ledgy granite hilltop, and hardwoods. A most interesting and inviting stand of young Sugar Maples. Always on the lookout for deer, I spotted a great scraping. I thought it ironic the buck should be on conservancy land, and not mine! Oh well, next Wednesday I will be out on my land. I've chosen a spot along a stone wall. I'll sit out there and make my silly sounds(bleats), that actually do bring deer in. It actually has worked for me, but no bucks. Maybe I'm bleating out of key?