
First I have to tell you that I was mistaken about the absence of "Spring Peepers" in Walpole. I went for a bike ride last evening around 5 p.m. I was delighted to hear two different frogs along Mill Rd. I noticed that in some places, there was still some ice on the vernal pools, but the frogs were active. In pools where there was no ice left, different frogs were active. Their songs were more shrill, and found at the pond near the Hooper Institute.
Today I worked at Monadnock Humane Society, taking care of my boarding charges; Jack, Kuchen, Greta and Rascal. Kuchen went home in the morning, full of energy, and so excited to see her master. Greta and Jack are Great Danes, each belonging to a different person. I tried to get a picture of me and Jack, so you could get a sense of his largesse. What a big baby he is. He loves to play, and bound around. Most of all, he likes to lean into you, and coax a good long scratch on his rump. Greta is a smaller Dane, and not easy to warm up to. But Greta is also a sap, who enjoys rump scratches, so I'm happy to oblige. Rascal is a pitbull mix, and he's with us for a month. He was really timid at first, but now has settled in just fine. He also likes the rump scratch!