Finally, I've heard the shrill trill and peeps of the Spring Peepers. They like the wet puddles around cornfields, and vernal pools in the woods. Sometimes they are so loud, you need to walk away. The Peepers for me are another symbol of spring that I always look forward to.
Next will be the Lilacs blooming.
This morning's walk up and around the Derry Hill area, afforded Evvy yet another opportunity to score bones. I never see where she finds these things, she just appears with them. Today she found a nearly intact deer leg! She proudly carried that thing for more and a mile back to my house. Of course, these treasures don't come inside, much as she'd love them to. I have to distract Evvy long enough to quietly kick the bones off the porch, and lead her inside. But she does remember, and continues to whine at the door, pleading with me to let her return to her treasure.
The entire week promises to be bright and sunny like today. I can't help but be psyched to get out there in it. I think I take the motorcycle to class tonight, such a liberating feeling.