I figured since I hadn't gotten to the ocean once this summer, I'd drive over to the coast. The first place I hit, Portsmouth. Took some photos of the fishing docks, and side streets. Went into a really fun store called Macro something. They have some of the most funny tasteless things in there. I laughed the whole time. Got back to my car, $10 parking ticket that I WILL get out of.Then I headed up Rte 1 to Kittery. I made a requisite stop at the Kittery Trading Post. I checked out some bows, and other hunting accessories - Too expensive.
Next stop, York, ME. I spent some time here. It's amazing the scenery you find when you take a random backstreet. The beach where I'm standing is one of those backstreets. The Fish House is also here. I checked out the Nubble Light of course, divers were just coming out of the water. I have known divers who dive there, and I still can't understand what the fascination is.
There is also a "Cliff Path" there, but I didn't check it out. Very breezy and chilly. I flock after flock of ducks and geese presumably headed south. I also saw a guy towing his duck boat all covered with brush and reeds, presumable to hunt ducks and geese, headed south.
I stopped at a lobster pound, and picked up a yummy well stuffed lobster roll. After all my sight seeing, I headed for home.
I have many great memories of Maine. I love it there. I have yet to make it into northern Maine. Perhaps on one of my future road trips, I'll make it a weekender up to the Rangeley area.