Agimenticus! Mt. Agimenticus that is. I have been going to Maine for eons, and I never heard of this mountain before. It's just outside of Kennebunk, Wells area. You can drive to the top, or hike, or even ride a mountain bike up. From the top, you get a 360 degree view of everywhere. You see the Atlantic, and I'm told, the Boston skyline, but I'm not too sure I believe that. You can see the White Mtns. though not that day. A small group of mountain bikers had been resting in the shade of a small oak, when we arrived. Me, my mom, and Al. Not another soul. After the bikes left, not a sound, but the occasional cedar waxwing, or white throated sparrow. I read the epitaph of David Hilton, a past forest fire warden who used to watch the distant woods from the fire tower. He died at the age of 40, in 2003, no reason given. He had written a book on all the fire towers in Maine, and he was an accomplished fireman. I imagine he loved being atop Mt. Agimenticus, just as I loved being there even for the short visit.
I spent three days in Maine, with the folks. It was good to get away, smell the ocean once again. We spent time at the beach, and getting lost on backroads. Al always enjoys finding the "shortcuts" home. We stayed at "The Garrison House", motel and cottages. Very nice, and I would recommend it to anyone. From our room, we could see the ocean in the distance. There was a lush salt marsh, complete with Purple Loosestrife, Cattails, and Marsh Rose. All floating a beautiful sea of green. The weather was perfect, and I could have stayed in the moment forever.
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