The first photo is a proud moment for me. I caught this beautiful smallmouth bass at Squam Lake, NH. during the B.O.W. Weekend(Becoming an Outdoorswoman). Ladies if you ever get the chance to attend a B.O.W., do it! You have a blast, and learn things you wouldn't otherwise get the chance to try. I learned about Falconry, and how to use a muzzleloader. Neither of which I had ever had occasion to do. I went swimming, met new people, ate too much, and spent quality time with my sister.
I can't wait til the next B.O.W. Each state has them, just look them up on the state Fish and Game sites.
The second photo is a family of turkeys making a routine of laps around my house in the late afternoon. This hen has ten little chicks, no bigger than tennis balls. They grow a little bit more each day. If they survive the elements, they will be able to fly in a couple of weeks! I saw one little guy stretch his tiny featherless wings.
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