These Red Efts and Ladybugs are all over the place this time of year. Red Efts are the adult stage of Notpthalmus viridescens. They can remain in this stage up to seven years. After which they may or may not return to the water to undergo a second metamorphosis. In the winter, they go underground and emerge in the spring. In their larval stage, they are aquatic for nearly the whole summer, as those brownish salamanders you can see swimming around in ponds.
Ladybugs have converged on the side of my house, as well as inside. So my cats are entertained all the time. While riding my mountain bike I am continually aware of the orange salamanders on the trail. Sometimes I see them at the last second and have to try to avoid them without causing myself bodily harm. Needless to say, I've taken a couple of "headers". The balmy weather over the last several days suits me just fine, as does the sunshine. Today is gray and gloomy, but a good day to get household chores out of the way, and start an art project.
If you ever get to Keene, NH. check out the art gallery on Main St. next to Miller Bros. The art inside is extrordinary! Check out Kyle Stuckey. He's a teenager who is homeschooled, with no formal art training. This kid is an artistic genius in my book. His artwork is far more mature than his years. He IS going places. Very Monet-esque.
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