Last Wednesday night, I had the misfortune of crashing my truck. I didn't think the roads were slippery, they hadn't been until I reached Surry. Surry, NH has a reputation for not maintaining the roads very well, and I shouldn't have guessed. Anyway, there was just enough greasy slush on the road to bring me in to a fishtailing skid. When I landed, I had slammed into some trees. I banged my head on the driver's side window, and bruised my legs on the steering wheel. I think perhaps I pulled a muscle in my lumbar region too as it has been achy ever since.
Who knows when the truck will be fixed, there was a problem with my auto insurance. Apparently when I bought the truck last February it was never processed. I have been paying for car insurance on a car I don't have anymore. The insurance company is investigating and will determine if they will be helping me repair the truck. Meanwhile, I'm driving my dad's plush Blazer. It's kind of a gas hog, but a nice ride nonetheless.
With all the rain we're due to get today, hopefully alot of the snow will melt. My roof is leaking despite raking the snow off, so I am definitely anxious for the rest of the snow to disappear.
On a more cheerful note, Christmas is nearly upon us. Merry Christmas one and all!
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