It's been a hideously busy week for Anatomy & Physiology II! I had to do a life size drawing of the major blood vessels. It was alittle difficult to trace my own outline. Of course I took artistic license and made myself thin. Not that I'm huge, but you know... I have to write up a case study that I have been working on with four other students. Tomorrow is a huge lab practical exam, so I will have to be able to identify various tissues, blood vessels, formed elements in blood. I have to gather up all the lab sheets, complete with drawings of those pesky cardiac muscle fibers, and maps of both the systemic and pulmonary circulation.
Last week I asked my instructor if she would be interested in having me bring in the deer fetus I collected. She was totally psyched, so I'll bring that into class tomorrow night also. It's been in my freezer. I know what you're thinking. I have other frozen creatures in there too..... If some unwitting person went looking for something to thaw for dinner, they might be alittle surprised! I promise no human remains!
Unfortunately I have not had time to go out exploring in the natural world. But I will soon!
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