With all the rain we've been having, there have been myriad mushrooms all over the place. The beautiful clusters of orange shrooms were along the roadside on a Maple stump. At first I thought they were "Big Laughing Gyms" Gymnospilus spectablilis, but now looking closer I'm not so sure. At any rate, I'M not trying them for affect. BLG's a.k.a. Waraitake, allegedly cause laughter and hallucinations. The downside, they're bitter and will make you sick. I'm going to guess that these specimens are a type of Pleurotus, but I'd love to hear what other folks think they are.
The purple shrooms? Well, they remind me of the beautiful Pipe Corals I saw in Curacao several years ago. I couldn't find this particular fungi in my book, but I think it is from the Clavariaceae(coral fungi). There is a bright orange version of this called Clavicorona pyxidata. These fungi are short barely 3" tall, but they do catch your eye because they contrast the leaf litter.
I noticed the Blackberries have burst forth within the last day or so. While I walked my charges at the Humane Society, I made sure we stopped at the plentiful bushes. I think I ate at least two cupfuls! I'll have to make a pie for sure.
I have managed to squeak in a few mountain bike rides before, during and after the rains. I have seen MANY deer, in different spots. All does, some with their little skippers. They all look healthy and vigorous. The Moose are loose too, but I've only come across their tracks. I'm disappointed that I've not seen any bear sign this year. Not only that, they haven't bothered with my birdfeeder.
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