For most of the day, the sun was shining brightly with blue skies. Despite a prediction for arctic temperatures, it remained in the twenties with a light breeze. Evvy and I walked three miles on the HHH trail #2 to the NH Corridor Trail #6 on Derry Hill in Walpole. We were passed by eight snow machines going in both directions, usually two at a time. Each time a machine approached I had to grab Evvy, because she is inclined to chase snowmobiles and cars. I'm not crazy about sharing the trail with smelly, noisy snowmobiles but I am thankful to the Hooper Hill Hoppers for maintaining the trails. When we began, a groomer had been down the trail so it was pristine, virginal even. But about twenty minutes in, the first machines came through, then a couple more, and a couple more. The fumes that linger on the trail even minutes after the machines go by, just sicken me. The the second picture is of Evvy tearing down the trail at a full gallop.
Anyway, later from the warmth and comfort of my livingroom I watched as snowmobiles raced up and down the hill across the road from my house. A sled at the bottom, and one at the top. The snowmobiles took turns giving people rides to the top so they could then slide down. This hill is famous among locals as a favorite sliding hill. This year hasn't seen the numbers of past weekends, but there were seven or eight people out there today. I've seen upwards of twenty before. The hill is steep and fast, a real blast!
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