Spring is breaking out everywhere, and I'm psyched about that. The little "Spring Tail" bugs are up and at-em. The owls and other birds are already looking for mates. This owl is a Barred Owl, and quite frequent in these parts. I saw one just yesterday in the woods behind my house. He was only about 25 yds away, and low enough that I could make out his details very well. I am amazed how silently they glide through the forest without hitting any branches.
I thought I'd seen the last of the "stink machines" this morning, because the trails have become solid ice. But alas, the die hard "sledders" came roaring down the trail once again. Their days are numbered now I think. There are many bare spots, and bridges with no snow on them at all. Maple sugaring starts right about now too, and will go through the second week or so, of March. I love the smell of sap boiling. Just down the road at Great Brook Farm, they'll be firing up the stove and likely serving "sugar on snow". Can't wait.
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