I got up much earlier than usual today, maybe because the Robins were quite loud at 5:30 a.m.
Nevertheless, after my routine hazelnut coffee, and french toast, Evvy and I headed out once more for our morning constitutional. I really had no energy to do it, but I'm always glad I do once I get into it. The morning sun had burned off all the fog except for that over the Connecticut River. From the top of Sheep Hill I could see the line of fog, beneath the Green Mts in the distance. The air was fresh and damp following three days of pretty steady rain.
After taking in the vista on Sheep Hill I walked north back toward County Rd. where you will find freshly tilled cornfields, recently cut hayfields, and the Jerseys of Crescent Farm. The cows and bull, all ran along the fence as Evvy and I walked along. The poor bull has had his horns cut off, still bleeding after at least a week.....eeeewwww. Last but not least the top picture is my modest garden, which I am most proud. I haven't attempted gardening for many, many years, but this one is going great guns. My garden is days, maybe weeks ahead of others in the area. The trick....I started earlier, and just covered the garden with clear plastic on the frosty nights.
I'll have cabbage, broccoli, tomato, spinach, celery, cukes, summer squash, and strawberries.
Thankfully, no creatures have found this little oasis.