Evvy and I took a walk down Whipple Hill Rd, toward the old Rapids Rd. There are a few old cellar holes along the Rapids Rd. The telltale signs are usually Apple trees and large overgrown Lilacs. This morning though, we found an added surprise in the first cellar hole. Evvy scared up two hen Turkeys. The first hen took off right away. The second waiting until she couldn't stand it any longer. Evvy growled but didn't charge at the Turkey. I don't think Evvy was sure what she was dealing with. Because it took so long for the second hen to fly off, I suspected she might be sitting on a nest. So I drew closer for a look. There on the top of a wall, long ago covered with shrubs and grass, a large nest full of eggs. I had never seen a Turkey nest before, so I was thrilled. To think I had just gone down to Great Brook Farm the other day for eggs! These were beauties, and every bit as large as chicken eggs, maybe even alittle bigger. There were fourteen, cream colored eggs with little brown specks. I finished looking over the hen's fine work, and continued my walk with Evvy. I hope the hen wasn't too frightened to return later. On a funny note, a truck with two camo'ed turkey hunters drove right past me shortly after. I heard them stop above at the top of the hill......they did a couple quick Turkey calls. I had to laugh. Surely they would never find Turkeys sitting in their truck! Unfortunately, they are not the first bunch of Turkey hunters I've witnessed calling from the warmth, and luxury of their trucks. Many, many drive past cornfields, and old pastures, stopping to make a call or two, then driving on, totally missing exactly what it was they were looking for.....DUH!
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