Despite all the "damp-ish" weather, Evvy and I walk the woods every day. This morning was no different really. I decided to walk up back behind my house. It's beautiful up there, and at the top there is a nice view toward Fall Mountain. Last night I heard a caucophony of coyote sounds. It sounded like they were right in the back yard. I figured if I took Evvy up there this morning, she would find out what all the hub-bub was all about. No such luck. What ever the coyotes were doing, remains a secret. There were heavy rains last night, up to an inch in some locations. So I wouldn't find a blood trail if there was one. I did see places where ferns had been trampled, but it could of been me from previous walks. We walked up to a deer stand that I use in Fall, and Evvy found an old deer leg bone. She had to lug that thing every where we walked. Occasionally, she'd drop to the ground and gnaw on it for a while. I let her carry it back to the house, but no deer bones in the house.....eeeeewwww. Reluctantly Evvy gave up her prize, and I set it on the porch railing.
Yesterday morning, Evvy chased Chipmunks as she is always wont to do. This time however, Evvy successfully caught one! Much to my dismay, I never thought she would. But I watched the whole thing play out. The Chipmunk made a fateful error by attempting to climb up a tree where the bark was just falling away. The bark did fall away along with Chippy, and Evvy was right there to catch him. Unfortunately for the Chipmunk, Evvy "the chainsaw" has a strong bite. I often wonder if she would make a good police patrol dog. Anyway, the Chipmunk died instantly.
Evvy didn't eat the Chipmunk, rather she galloped along seemingly proud of herself. She would drop the little lifeless creature, then pick it back up. Finally, she dropped and abandoned it. When we came by that way again later, Evvy picked up her prize once more and carried it all the way home. Once again.....no dead things in the house. At the door, I asked Evvy to drop it, and she did. Later, long after Evvy had forgotten her catch, I retrieved the Chipmunk from the porch and disposed of it.
Evvy is so child-like, and entertaining except when she does naughty things; chase the cats, jump up on the glass french doors to get at chippy's outside, attempt in vain to chase cars, jump up on people, drive her cousin "Ringo" nuts, beg for people food, bark at chickens, guinea hens, cows, horses, and Old John Stevens who hikes stealthily(so he thinks) through the woods. All in all Evvy is a good dog, and a great companion who never complains.
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