The freezer is full of venison. I've given some away, even to the paper carrier. I've been researching yummy venison recipes, and hope to have friends over to enjoy it. Meanwhile, I have begun the process of tanning my pun intended. I spared you the fleshing process, it was not for the faint of heart. Perhaps the salting part isn't either. What I have done is this, I've stretched the deer hide out on a sheet of quarter inch plywood. I poured pickling salt all over the hide, and rubbed it in. I will leave it alone for 12 hours, and apply more salt. Following 12 more hours, I will brush off the salt. I haven't decided whether I want to try the brain method, or use the kit chemicals on the hide. I have plenty of time to figure it out. Once the hide is dry, it will be stable for a while.
Evvy and I went for a long hike this afternoon. I was kind of sorry I had taken a deer on the first day, there's still time and I'd like to be hunting. Nevertheless, I enjoy following game trails anyway. I found several, and plenty of good sign. Some good scrapes were found up on Derry hill, but quite far in for most hunters. I'm still seeing Bear sign in the usual places.
Evvy located a cow bone, that would be better suited to an English mastiff. She had actually found it last year. I had taken it away from her then, leaving it behind. She found it once more, so I let her lug it home a mile away. I would not however, allow this thing in the house. I have a small pile of bones outside, all of which Evvy has found.
We enjoyed our walk today in the thin fog of Derry Hill woods. The air was so fresh, and damp, intoxicatingly breathable. I didn't care that my pant-legs were soaked to the ankle.
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