Nearby, the "dug well" with a piece of steel covering the hole. I removed the cover revealing the water. I took a long stick and stuck it down into the well. I wanted to know how deep the well was. I figured the well would be only a couple of feet deep, because through the years they fill up with dirt and "stuff". I took the stick out and measured the water level. I estimated the depth of the well to be 5' deep. I was surprised.
We walked up a long defunct skidder trail. At times the trail nearly vanished with brush growing in it, and ruts disappearing. I rarely stay on a trail, because I figure the real action is happening off the trail. So we walked back and forth across the trail or made large circles winding up back on the trail. I like to explore the many granite cliffs and hidey holes of Walpole. I rarely have a hike where I see nothing. We flushed a Grouse, or I should say Evvy did. Then she located a wonderful pile of bear skat, composed completely of corn! I would have taken a photo of it because it was bright yellow. Unfortunately, Evvy took the opportunity to gobble it all up...Yuck.
We worked our way around two bogs up on top of the hill. Ice covered the bogs, so of course I had to check it out, by walking on top. Neither of us broke through the ice. I searched for fresh animal tracks in the new snow, but few prints were found. I did find, mouse and fox tracks though.
I began to make a circle back toward Derry Hill Rd. to a large outcropping of granite. Up there, the granite is broken up in some places. Some of the rocks are nearly square, resembling bricks. I was tempted to build a little fortress, like I would as a kid. But recovering from a mild concussion sustained in a floor hockey game the previous, I opted to just keep taking photos. Evvy continued her romping around, gobbling up all the black jelly beans she could find.
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