Yesterday while working my new part time job at the animal shelter, I took Bella the German Shepherd out for her "constitutional". The door closed behind me, and guess what? Locked, and I haven't a key for that door. I had heard that everyone who works there has done this very same thing. The only resolution, climb the chainlink fence. It's about 8' tall. When I got to the top, something caught my pants. It actually tore my pants, and I was hanging upside down! Mind you it was very cold yesterday. I hoped no one would spot me there, dangling. Bella sat and watched me. Finally I was able to release myself from the fence, and get to the other side. I thought the situation would have made a good video clip for "World's Funniest Videos". I also decided I wouldn't bother travelling to Japan for a try at "Ninja Warrior".
Last night, I went for a beautiful but bitterly cold walk in the moonlight. The moon was full, and the landscape became a painting of contrasts in blue/black and shades of gray. The silence, the crispness of the air, made me wonder if this might be what it's like in the far north. I heard not a sound, save a dry leaf blowing in the wind.
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