It was actually alittle cooler than I thought, but I did have a nice bike ride nonetheless. I replaced my summer tires, with a more aggressive tire before I headed out. I don't have studded tires, but they are available, or easy to make.
I took a snowmobile trail that is less popular. Those trails are best because the trail has hardened up. If a sled has gone by recently, the snow is churned up and soft, making the ride more difficult. I rode to one of my many favorite overlooks. The view from there is spectacular to the west. You can see over to Vermont, and many of the ski areas. I didn't hang around long though, my toes were starting to get cold. Next time I will be sure and put those disposable toe warmers in my bike shoes. I was happy to find that there wasn't much ice on the trail. Hitting ice on a bicycle is very unpleasant. Falling is swift, and painful. Being gravity-challenged, I will walk the bike along an icy trail, before I'lll try to ride it. After 40 yrs, ya don't take as many chances. I didn't escape this ride without a wipeout, but it was a none-issue.
I noticed that all the snowshoeing I've done has really helped my stamina for bike riding. I never had to stop for a breather, so I was psyched. I did however have to stop to get the ice out of my cleats. The ice made it impossible to "clip-in" to the pedals. I'm thinking about carrying a little can of de-icer on these rides.
I didn't see any snowmobiles until the very end of my ride. By then I was pedaling up County Rd. toward home. The two sleds I saw were on a private trail, and had just come up from Fay Falls. I wondered where all the snowmobilers were, it was certainly a great day for that as well.
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