This morning I went birding with my friend Robin. It's purely coincidental that her namesake is a bird. Robin is a very accomplished birder, so I was sure to see every kind of warbler possible. We saw 27 species of birds! We made a good team, as she recognized the bird songs, I located the birds. I was delighted to see a Parula Warbler, a Scarlet Tanager, and an Indigo Bunting. We also so saw Yellow-Rumped, Black-throated Blue, Black-throated Green, and Black and White Warblers, Common Yellow-throat too. Robin showed me an Ovenbird nest which was on the ground in tree litter. She just happened upon it herself while out birding. I will have to draw a picture of it, because the photo I took really doesn't do it justice. We found an Oriole pair, busily creating their nest in a Maple sapling of all things. Usually they prefer Willows. This pair chose to make their nest relatively low, compared to the typically high placed nests in Willow trees. The photo is of the nest in progress.
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