Just a while ago, I was witness to something really neat! I was pushing my vacuum around, when I noticed something up on the hill across the road. I grabbed my binoculars, and the show began.
First, I noticed a hen Turkey moving quickly across the slope. I looked around for whatever might be frightening her. I didn't see anything for several moments. Then in all his glory, Tom Turkey sauntering, if a Turkey can saunter up over the crest of the hill. Every now and then, he would spread is beautiful tail feathers out in huge fan. His comb was brilliant red. The tom seemed to be in no particular hurry really. But then, there was a second tom! A brief battle of turkey claws ensued. One jumping up feet first at the other. The hen taking this opportunity to escape, stage left. The confrontation moved over the hill, where I could no longer see. So I grabbed my binoculars, and my camera and made my way up the hill.
I hoped I could count on the toms being too caught up in their tussle to move quickly away. It took me several moments to climb up the hill. When I got to the top, of course the three turkeys were no where in sight. But.....I know how much they enjoy scratching in the leaves on the wooded side of the hill. I made my way over there, and began calling. It wasn't long before I heard movement in the leaves. The hen, and one tom came to within about one hundred yards before they realized I wasn't another Turkey. Unfortunately with the brush, and limited focusing capability, I couldn't get a good picture of them. Perhaps I will draw what I had seen earlier. These wild encounters are rare and cherished in these Walpole hills. AAAYYYYYAAA!
PS. the photos I took while looking for the Turkeys - Smooth Shad A. bartramiana, and Bluets H. caerulea , respectively
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