Every morning when I get up, I can hear the robotic sound of the Bobolinks in the vast pasture across the road. This photo, taken by Brian Small shows you the interesting "top-knot" on the male Bobolink's head. Seriously, the sound he makes is very much like "R2-D2" of the "Star Wars" movies.
I have seen so many neat creatures lately, unfortunately I have either not had the camera with me, or the batteries have gone dead! But I can surely describe all that I have seen. First, the neighbors Guinea Hens continue to bring their wild Turkey friends to my bird feeder. The Guineas seem to guard my back deck as if it belongs to them.
On my way to work last week I had occasion to see a litter of baby Woodchucks! That's right, three of them were next to the road near the Surry/ Walpole line. I turned the truck around and went to take a closer look. The den is under the pavement! The little Woodchucks were scurrying around in the tall grass, occasionally running up into a small enclosed field where a pair of Oxen where standing. The Woodchucks were no bigger than Guinea Pigs, in fact that's exactly what they looked like. As I watched them, a nervous elderly lady made a lap around her house, keeping a watchful eye on ME. I had to chuckle.
Further down the road, I happened to glance to my left as a flash of tawny brown upon lush green caught my eye. I saw a doe, and the smallest fawn standing there in the grass. The fawn looked so fragile, no bigger than my biggest cat! I just gasped, and thanked God for putting me there at the right moment.
What else? Yesterday while kayaking/fishing on Granite Lake, I watched a Bald Eagle soaring over the water. I hadn't ever seen a Bald Eagle there before, though I know they have nested in nearby Hancock in the past. He knew as did I, that the fishing was bad. Despite the lack of good sized lunkers, I did catch a good sunburn! After a while I paddled to shore, and hopped on my mountain bike. I pedalled up and over Twin Hill to Stoddard, via the M-S Greenway trail, then back to the lake via Rte 9. A nice long ride for a hot day. I didn't see any creatures along the way unfortunately.
As I was packing up my boat, and my bike to head back home, I saw a good sized snake slithering along the beach in front of the camp. The snake was at the water's edge, staying in the water as he went. I went closer to check him out. It was not a Garter snake, so I was thrilled to see a snake I don't usually see. He spotted me and darted into deeper water. The snake popped out further down the shoreline. I was able to get close enough to identify him as a Milk Snake. Beautiful with rusty colored diamond patterns on its back. He was probably nearly three feet long.
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