It's been a while since I last posted. I've been busy in the woods, cleaning up my trails, cutting wood and brush. Taking wood to the lake(Granite Lake). Checking on the guys who are renovating up there. We'll soon have "indoor plumbing"! For well over 60 years, there has never been any hot water, or shower at the camp. Now we will have an artesian well, hot & cold water that we can actually drink!, a complete septic system, and washer/dryer combo. Next we need a new roof.
I have managed a few good mountain bike rides around my area. This picture of pink pond lilies is just up the road from me. I don't think I've ever seen pink lilies, but the white ones are blooming too. If you get a chance to sniff one, how sweet it is. My peonies are just about to burst forth too, and they smell very fragrant as well.
I've discovered a few bird nests, a Hairy Woodpecker family caught my attention with all the squeaking way up high. The perfectly round entrance hole gave them away. I watched as mom and dad would fly in and out of that hole every few minutes. Next while on a walk with my sister, her husband, and their dog, Ringo, we literally stumbled upon a nest full of babes on the ground. The nest was at first well hidden, and very near a brook's edge. I'm not sure what type of birds they were, but I'm going to guess thrush. I heard a thrush nearby, and that's my only basis for the guess. There were probably five chicks in the nest. They all remained very still and silent, until Ringo swooped in and grabbed the whole nest! I was horrified. I yelled for Al to grab the dog as the chicks toppled out into the brook. I was able to save only one. Al salvaged most of the nest, but the other chicks were either swept down the brook, or killed by Ringo's jaws. I set the lone chick on its nest, but fear the mother will not return. I was so, so, disappointed and sad at this dreadful situation.
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