Thursday, February 24, 2011

Grand Central Station: for Moose & White Tails that is.

Lately, I have had the opportunity to go snowmobiling and hunting for "sheds". Twice now, I have enjoyed riding out to an "undisclosed" location near Goshen, in search of elusive deer and moose antlers. I'm told that up north, antlers fetch a good price at $8-$9/lb. I can just see a new reality show like Axe Men, or Ice Road Truckers. Looking for Moose antlers might be called Moose Gold, or North Country Bone collectors.

In stark contrast to the lack of sign seen on the S-G trail, this place was like Grand Central Station for both Moose and Deer. I was at first overwhelmed by the size, and number of game trails. These trails cover a large area. The snow here is still over three feet deep, still we had high hopes. In the end we concluded the moose antlers were well below the snow.

These are Striped Maples(Moose Maple) that have been completely browsed by Moose.

Just one of many, many well worn paths and beds used by both Moose and Deer.

BUT, the second time we went out there, Wednesday, the snow appeared more compact, and maybe somewhat melted. We covered a large area, though I couldn't say exactly how much acreage without a topo. Then, my friend found what looked like a stick, but suspicious enough that he took a closer look. He found a small antler frozen to the ground. He used a small knife to chip away the ice around the antler. The antler appeared to be years old, well gnawed with one tine missing(we suspect), and greenish.

When the snow finally melts in July :-) , we'll go out and scour the ground for the antlers that are sure to litter the area. I have it on good sources, that there may be another such place

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