We walked from the end of Whipple Hill Rd. in Walpole, to the Rapids Rd. which is a 4x4 road. The Rapids Rd. used to be part of the Rte 5 snowmobile trail system, but much of it has been changed to a private trail, or completely closed to snowmobiles. On Rapids Rd. we turned on to the Crusher Rd. which leads to the Cold River Materials quarry. Not far up the Crusher Rd. there is a sharp right hand turn which leads toward Wentworth Rd. on the Westmoreland end. I broke trail all the way from where we left the Rapids Rd. We made a turn to the south east, to the quarry. Here is Evvy at what looks like the top of the world.
I'm not sure why Cold River closed this trail to snowmobiles and ATVs. There isn't a thing going on here at the quarry. I had hoped to eat a whole banana once we arrived at the top. Evvy had other ideas. While I was checking out a den of some kind, my banana fell out of my jacket. Evvy was quick to grab it up. Bananas are a fav of hers, as are most fruit. I tried to get the banana back, but Evvy delighted in keeping me from it. It was as though she taunted me. She'd toss the banana into the air, and catch it while jumping at the same time. I'd get really close, and she jump about flinging that banana into the air over, and over. It was pointless to ask her to drop it. I swear if she could laugh, she would be rolling over with laughter. Then, mocking me even more, she began to peel the banana, much like an ape would do. I could not believe her untapped talent. She flung the banana one more time. The banana broke in half. One half flew into the snow, the other half and the peel were still in Evvy's mouth. Exasperated, I grabbed her and pried her jaws open forcing her to drop the fruit. I got half of the banana back. She tried to take it from me once more. I told her to eat the half in the snow. At last, compromise. We could go on.
I began to imagine what I would eat when I got back. I spotted a burrow in the snow, with a very defined and worn trail leading into and away from it. I couldn't make out any good tracks to identify the animal living there. I had seen zillions of snowshoe hare tracks, but this was different. It's anyone's guess. This is the hole. I'd say it was about 9-10" across. Evvy wasn't even interested in who lives there. I saw no skat around, so I have no idea.
The beautiful sun gave way to overcast skies. I was regretting how far from my truck I was at this point. I asked Evvy to run ahead to get the truck. She ignored me. The thoughts of food kept me plodding along. Finally, I decided what I would eat. I have no idea where it came from, but I could hardly wait. My cloths were soaked to the skin, and not a good thing when the wind is blowing, even with warm 30 degree temperatures. Normally I would have taken off layers each time I got too warm. But recklessly I figured I'd be back home in fine shape, so it wouldn't matter that my cloths were wet. I reminded myself that things can change fast in the woods. I wondered how it would go if I didn't make it back to the truck before dark. I had a plan in my mind of what I would do. BUT, I had no implements of survival, cause hey I'm less than a mile from my house at this point. Careless.
After my imagination returned to center. I decided that when I got back, I would have an Eggo waffle sandwich with peanut butter, and valentine m&m's. There wasn't a chance in hell, I wouldn't make it back home for that!
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