Sunday, October 24, 2010

Getting Ready for the Hunt....such as it is

Evvy and I ventured out yesterday looking for likely spots I might like to hunt from next month. I scoured cornfields, found the tree stands of other hunters who had already laid claim to that spot. I looked for deer sign, and didn't find alot. Mostly lots of bear sign, the wider game trails, and piles of skat. There is always something inherently exciting about just looking for a spot, anticipating the hunt. I have yet to bag a deer, and frankly I'm not sure I'd take a shot even. But I do enjoy getting caught up in the whole hunting, fall damp, watching wildlife thing. I watch wildlife anyway, and more often than not come creatures find me bears. No matter I have never had a bad wildlife encounter, and if I should happen upon one.....well, Gloria Glock comes out.

So on this day, I found a complete deer mandible. It was complete until Evvy took half. Someone who had passed by earlier, had placed the two halves in the crotch of a dead tree. I inspected this jaw bone and determined that the deer was young based on fact that the dentition had little wear, and the size of the bone was quite small. I always wonder how an animal meets its demise whenever I find bones.

This week I will go out alone and sit for a while to see who(what) frequents my chosen spots, and when.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Road Trip

I figured since I hadn't gotten to the ocean once this summer, I'd drive over to the coast. The first place I hit, Portsmouth. Took some photos of the fishing docks, and side streets. Went into a really fun store called Macro something. They have some of the most funny tasteless things in there. I laughed the whole time. Got back to my car, $10 parking ticket that I WILL get out of.
Then I headed up Rte 1 to Kittery. I made a requisite stop at the Kittery Trading Post. I checked out some bows, and other hunting accessories - Too expensive.

Next stop, York, ME. I spent some time here. It's amazing the scenery you find when you take a random backstreet. The beach where I'm standing is one of those backstreets. The Fish House is also here. I checked out the Nubble Light of course, divers were just coming out of the water. I have known divers who dive there, and I still can't understand what the fascination is.
There is also a "Cliff Path" there, but I didn't check it out. Very breezy and chilly. I flock after flock of ducks and geese presumably headed south. I also saw a guy towing his duck boat all covered with brush and reeds, presumable to hunt ducks and geese, headed south.
I stopped at a lobster pound, and picked up a yummy well stuffed lobster roll. After all my sight seeing, I headed for home.
I have many great memories of Maine. I love it there. I have yet to make it into northern Maine. Perhaps on one of my future road trips, I'll make it a weekender up to the Rangeley area.