Monday, December 29, 2008

Ringo and Evvy

Here are Ringo(my sister's dog) and Evvy enjoying their "Bully sticks", giving ME a break.  I have Ringo through the holidays.  When the two dogs are together, not chewing, all havoc breaks loose.  They are much like children, and require constant supervision.  The wrinkles are being ironed out, as I learn to keep them busy.  Soda has been spilled, cats have been chased, bedlam has befallen my house.  But it is a pleasure to have them both here.  We go out first thing in the morning, well after they eat. Sometimes we go before light, for the morning walk.   We return somewhat less energetic, and settle down for a good chew.  Then depending on where I have to go, they are relegated to their crates.  When I return in the evening, they eat, and we do the evening walk.  Evvy doesn't let up on Ringo for a second, always chasing him.  Try as he may to enjoy a roll in the snow, or a swim in the brook, Evvy is right there to bug him.  It's kind of funny because the tables have been turned on Ringo, who is usually the antagonist with the Rumrill cats, and mine for that matter.  But Ringo has his paws full with my little Ev.

The snow  has melted alot the last couple days, and I'm thankful!  I have more choices for places to walk the dogs.  And frankly, my back has had enough of the shovelling!  I really have enjoyed the warm, spring-like air in the evening.  It's so fresh and clean smelling(that was corny! but true).

Now that the Christmas holiday is over, we can all get back to the more normal pace hopefully. On Christmas eve at about 4:00 a.m. a great wind blew and knocked a white pine down in my yard.  My power and phone lines were taken down.   Several appliances in my house were fried! The fire department came to make sure my house wouldn't burn down.  I had shut the main breaker off quickly, as I smelled electrical burning.   My power was restored six hours later, and I got my phone back Sunday morning.   I kept myself  busy running the chainsaw, and cutting up that pine.   It was hard work, but satisfying to know that I could do this.   I was thankful that my house didn't catch on fire.  Despite the mini-trial, I did have a very nice Christmas.  I traveled to Chesterfield to spend Christmas with my family.+

This last Sunday I was reminded that Christmas continues for twelve days starting on the 25th of December.  I really wish we could all spend more time thinking about the true meaning of the holiday, and less about all the things we receive on the 25th.  Thinking about the birth of Christ and the days that follow is grounding to me.

Happy Hopeful New Year!

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Enough snow already!

There's well over two feet of fluffy snow in my yard.  I'm pretty sure we don't need any more for a bit.  Yet it hasn't stopped snowing as of 9:00 p.m.  I found a bright spot amidst the gray, white and black of winter.  My Christmas Cacti are all blooming this beautiful fuschia color.   

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Meet Evelyn "Evvy" Crabtree

I found this lovely furry friend at the Humane Society, where else?!  She is a "transport dog".  In other words, she was transported to New Hampshire from Virginia with many other beautiful dogs.  Evvy looks to be most Lab, with some hound mixed in.  We're learning about housetraining at the moment  :-(   That is priority number ONE!!!  She has been used to just pee'ing and poo'ing on the floor at the shelter where it's ok.  It's NOT okay here, so needless to say we go out into the frightful weather.....alot!   Evvy keeps me on my toes.

Last night, we got a foot of snow so I was busy this morning, shoveling around vehicles, and raking the roof.  I took Evvy for a long walk into the fields.  She loves to bound, and root in the snow.   She especially likes to pull up cornstalks(what's left of them) and run around.  

The snow is still falling with another foot expected tomorrow.  Meanwhile many people are still suffering through no electricity at their homes.  There are shelters everywhere, with folks reduced to living in the space of a cot among many.  If this continued bad weather is an indication of how winter will be, it's shaping up to be a long cold, and snowy season.  Makes me wish I had a snowmoibile!  If I have to be surrounded by snow, why not have a blast in it?

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Christmas Is Only a week away?!

With so many other things going on, it's hard to believe Christmas is next Thursday!  Last weekend we had an horrific ice storm that has left many without power even now.  In talking with many people,  I have learned how far-reaching the damage goes.  People have had to pack up, and leave their homes.  At the Humane Society, we have taken several dogs and cats into "emergency boarding" because their owners can't take their pets to shelters, or relative's homes.   I heard about one man who lost all his tropical fish because the fish tank got so cold!  I was called to care for some horses because their owner couldn't get back up to Walpole.  I didn't survive unscathed either.  My sump pump, powerless, could not remove water that would ordinarily be no problem.
      I awoke early Friday morning, to the shrill alarm of water in the basement.  From that point on, I was running my generator, making frequent trips to Bellows Falls, VT for gas.   Finally the power came back on at noon on Saturday.  But many, many more are still without power.  Some people have no other heat source either, so they must go to local shelters or relative's homes. When the power does come back on for these people, they risk bursting water pipes!  It's just aweful.  I am left to wonder what kind of winter we are entering?   As I write this, snow is falling.  I had to shovel for the first time this winter.  It is beautiful despite all the hardship we have endured so far.

Thursday, December 04, 2008

Heaven Sent Me an Angel

My very first barn mucking customers; Rosie, Angel(the foal), and Betty.  All are Morgan crosses, taller than most Morgans.   All three ladies are likable, and friendly.  Little Angel followed me all around under the watchful eye  of her mother, Rosie.   It's so great to be in the company of horses again.  I love their spirits, and even their fragrance!

It seems to me, my place is definitely around animals of all shapes and sizes.  Back at the Humane Society, my charges this week; two little Bichon Frise, Riley and Sophie, and a rather portly Chocolate Lab named Burdie.  I have somehow come to naturally establish a rapport with any dog that comes through boarding.  Even those that frighten other staff members, take to me, and I'm so thankful for that gift.  It's like me and the furry creatures are tuned in to each other.  I find that unspoken  connection so comforting.