Friday, January 30, 2009

Queen of the Hill

On my way to the barn, I pass these ladies.  Most every day, there is one cow on top of the snowpile.  I imagine them all playing "queen of the hill", just for fun.  Today I pulled over to watch them.  Rather than continue with their recreation, they all trotted right over to the fence.
The cows are Jerseys, at the Crescent Farm.  In summer all of the cows are moved up to pastures closer to where I live.  

Evvy and I took a brief snowshoe at about 8:00 a.m.  But I tell ya, with a foot of new heavier snow, and over a foot in drifts, I had a hard time.  We did not go very far.  I had not had a nutritious breakfast - chocolate chip cookies, 16 oz. coffee loaded with 1/2 & 1/2, and tons of sugar- doesn't give you much fuel to snowshoe with.   I think next time I'll have to break out the old "Beaver tails".  Those old shoes were my grandfather's.  The good thing about them is their boyuancy in the snow.  The modern shoes are far less so, so you sink quite a way down in the snow.  Gaiters or some kind of shell-type pants are a must in this stuff.   I use ski poles too, because it's really easy to lose your balance on some of the hilly terrain.  I am gravity-challenged anyway so poles are a great equalizer.

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