Friday, April 04, 2008

BAAAAA Ram you!

This is the time of the year when lambs are born, and sheep are shorn. The drawing above is my rendition of the "BAAAA Spa at nearby Longridge Farm". While I'm sure the sheep aren't getting the pampering shown, they will be getting high and tight haircuts.

It was snowing once again when I got up this morning! I'm thinking those sheep are going to want to hang on to there fleeces, and their little ones for a few more weeks. Winter is relentless. I still have two feet of snow in my front yard. Just a few miles south of here, the snow is nearly gone.

I've heard many new bird arrivals; Woodcock, Chipping Sparrow, Red Winged Blackbird, and Killdeer. I've seen Robins, Turkey Vultures, Canada Geese. The hummingbirds will be in for a big surprise when they finally come back! Hopefully their sixth sense about weather patterns will tell them to hang tight where ever they are, before venturing up here.

The snow is turning to rain, so the melt is on.

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